I love doing this!!!!
But, that darn Trixie thinks she needs to snoopervise!
So, maybe if I turn my back, she'll go away.
Are you believing this??? Dixie showed up while I had my back turned.
Now, I have to put up with 2 pesky cats!!
I'll turn my back one more time and see if they disappear.

Oh, my gosh!!! I'm magical!! It really worked!!
It sure is rough when you must share quality time with other kitties, even if they are stuffed!
I wish I had magical powers like that, to make poo-face Salvador go away.
Huffle Mawson
We always have to share Mom. And food. :sigh:
I think you really are magical! My sister Pixie enjoys that kind of hard patting, but I do not like it.
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