Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Needs Meme: Thomas

Thomas: I thought I'd try doing this "needs meme" that everyone is doing these days, so here goes -

Thomas needs proof. Well, yes. . . .yes, I do!! Proof of what?

Thomas needs a new lawyer. This old one has gotten me into plenty of trouble!!

Thomas needs a tailor. Why?? Doesn't this suit look nice?

Thomas needs to return his law degree to Yale. NEVER!!!!

Thomas needs your support to create dance. C'mon y'all. Support me already!!! I'm wantin' to dance!!

Thomas needs YOU!! I certainly do - each and every one of you!!

Thomas needs a new president. Let's please not talk politics. Go McCain!!!

Thomas needs to cease. All righty then - I'm ceasin' right now!!!


Teddy Westlife said...

Thomas... what can I say? We can't argue with any of those! But I didn't know you had a law degree!

Huffle Mawson

Nomi said...

A law degree...not one of those fake jobs is it ? I'm always up for a dance..hows about it?

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Thomas needs a lawyer? But, he looks so innocent! Thomas definitely has my support to create dance.