Back in the day, when she and Tom were living in D.C.'s workshop, she would pose for a picture and not be afraid at all.

We could get good pictures of her beautiful little face and she had no problem with that!!

We have good pictures of Phoebe, they just need to be cropped to get rid of all the junk in the workshop.
But, at some point before moving into the house, Phoebe started being wary of the camera and would start to run every time you pointed it at her.
Once they moved into the house, she still couldn't make up her mind whether to stay or go when it was picture-taking time.
We got a lot of snaps of her backside just leaving.
And, we got a lot of pictures of the back of her head. (Good picture of Thomas, though!!)
You never know when she might just turn around and leave.
And, this one looks like she is about to decide to leave!!
We are following Daisy the Curly Cat's advice to use lots of treats for photo time. Now, we just have to wait for Phoebe to decide it's a good idea, too!!!
For every good photo that I put on my blog, mum takes about 25 that are useless. I turn my head, run away, hit mum with my paw, anything to avoid the flashy beast. Half the time the good photos come because she surprises me!
Huffle Mawson
Thanks for the good advice, Huffle. We'll just keep trying and maybe get lucky with a good shot every once in a while!
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie
My mommy's specialty is nap pictures. That's the only time we sit still.
When I'm in a weely cute pose and miewmie rushes to get the flashy box, thats when I usually get distwacted. So many wubbish fotos, you wouldn't believe !
Oh, I hope it works!
Hee hee! I's avoidin mine Mom's clicky box too cuz of the flash. No flash! It hurts mine eyes! Also, as soon as I see the clicky box pointed at me, I walk right up to it to sniff noses, an den it can't focus.
Mom says she takes lotsa pictors to get a few good ones, tries not to use flash, an uses zoom a lot. If that's like my Zoom Groom, I like it!
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