Phoebe needs to use her powers more!
You don't know what you're asking for!!!
Phoebe needs to brush her teeth.
Hey, now, that's just rude.Phoebe needs a home.
Nope, got one already and I'm staying put.Phoebe needs to go to an eating disorders clinic.
See above about being rude!!!!
Phoebe needs thorough documentation on two levels.
Huh????Phoebe needs nobody to defend her - she stands up for herself very well.
Yeah!!!!Phoebe needs more than a place to go to church in Ephesus.
She'd like a place to EAT in Ephesus!
Phoebe needs to be encouraged and supported as she seeks information about driving and owning a car.
Ooh - I want a P.T. Cruiser.Phoebe needs a ride.
That's 'cause nobody encouraged and supported me. . .blah, blah, blah. . . about the car!!!
Phoebe needs the company of at least one steady dog.
I'll get back to you on that one.
Phoebe needs to go to college, somewhere, anywhere and grow the he-- up!!!
Refer again to the comment about being rude!Phoebe needs a plan and immediate and sustained hard work.
I think you're losing me here!!
Phoebe needs glasses to read.
So just read to me already!!!!