Saturday, May 31, 2008

They're Ba-a-a-a-ack!!!

Thomas: Well, the good news is that Crazy Lady and D.C. are back from their cruise to Bermuda. The bad news is that Crazy Lady's computer died while they were gone. She has taken it to the All-Knowing Computer Guru and, hopefully, it will be back and right as rain in a day or two. Another bad news is that we HATE trying to blog on this laptop!!!! Our little toes just don't seem to fit on the tiny little keyboard. I do have news to report: Crazy Lady and D.C. have always brushed Trixie and Phoebe a lot because they have long hair and it just seemed necessary. But, for the past 3 or 4 days, Crazy Lady has started to brush me more (using a slicker brush, not just a plain brush or comb) and she has been getting TONS of undercoat out. I feel so much softer and I look like I've lost a few pounds. I also think it will be a lot cooler for the Summer!!! Have you ever spent a Summer in Hotlanta??? It's not only hot, it's muggy!!! So muggy!!! Well, this is something that they didn't know about cats (having always owned dogs before) and it's a good thing they have learned it. Brush all of your cats, not just the longhairs. . .
we all need it!
Phoebe: I have a very good idea why the computer crashed!!! Can you say T*R*I*X*I*E??? I know she did it. She's such a pest. Well, I didn't see her do it, but the first thing that Crazy Lady noticed when they got home was that all the fish in her Aquarium Screen Saver were DEAD!!! I think that must have been Trixie, don't you think? It's May 31st and already so hot and muggy in our yard that I think I just might be staying in the house a lot this Summer. Tom likes to roam around a lot more than I do and, if I'm going to be staying close to home, I might as well be air conditioned while doing it! And, BTW, Tom does look thinner since Crazy Lady has been combing him.
Trixie: Phoebe thinks I'm so bad, but I'm really not! I'm just young and curious and feel left out because everybody gets to go outside but me. I really didn't break the computer, although we did try blogging a time or two while they were gone. Please don't believe everything Phoebe says and don't blame me for everything. Crazy Lady and D.C. brought us a carved wooden cat from Bermuda. It's colorful and real pretty, but she won't even let me chew on it! What fun is that? I have noticed in the last several months that Crazy Lady is starting to put away a lot of the knick-knacks that she has always had sitting around. There are six windows in the breakfast room that used to be full of small antiques and memorabilia from trips and wonderful things. She cleared out all the windows first and then has started putting away some of her collections. I'm not sure whether she is trying to simplify her life or just trying to keep things safe from ME!!!! LOL I have to go all the way into the den these days to find her Noah's Ark collection to find neat things to push off the shelf. I love to hear all the little animals hitting the floor. Oh, well, I'll always find something to push around.

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