We received this wonderful award from our good friend Grrreta. Thank you so much for thinking about us! You have been good about keeping up with us while Crazy Lady has been down in the back and we appreciate you very much!
The rules say to list six things that makes us happy, so here we go:
1. being outdoors
2. stinky goodness
3. cuddling with Crazy Lady
4. the top floor of my tree condo
5. sitting in boxes, baskets, bags, luggage . . . . . . well, you get the idea!
6. sleeping on things that make noise
We pass on the award to:
any cat who would like to share what makes them happy!!!
Congratulations on your award. You each have very different likes!
We're visualizing you three doing all of those things at once. That would be so perfect! Except we're pretty sure it's going to be a little crowded with the Crazy Lady in the top of the cat condo with you.
Congratulations on your award and welcome back! I will post my six likes tomorrow.
Huffle Mawson
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