This is where we need to tell you folks that we have Googled all these photos. Crazy Lady and D.C. haven't sent us any of theirs yet. So, we have been surfing the intertubes to see where they are each day.

This is Lerwick, Scotland which is in the Shetland Islands. Looks like many of the streets that they took pictures of in England when they were there 2 years ago.

The Shetland Islands are part of Scotland, but they originally belonged to Norway many, many years ago. There are many Norwegian traditions still left in the Shetland Islands and they incorporate a lot of Norwegan words in their language. They are almost as far north as the Arctic Circle. We believe that is supposed to be cold!! Glad we're nice and warm here.

Lots of seaports and boats. Guess that means F.I.S.H.!!!! Yea, we hope they bring us home some fishies!!!

Maybe they'll be able to bring us back a WHALE!! We'll definitely have everyone over then!!!